Tuesday, March 15, 2022

My Real Enemy is Me

"Comparing yourself with the others is such never-ending bettle. You will never win. Never" -Riska

Since in elementary school, I used to lived in the very competitive environment. Everyone wants to be the number one. I always see the competition everywhere around me whilst number and rank are commendable for everybody.

This unpredictable also unstopable condition has embeded in my life, my thoughts, my character like my blood flow through my vein. In every achievement, passion, hobby, and responsibility I had I will determine the standard based on social-perception. I desire acknowledgment from people, and wondering if my act is more than their expectation.

The truth is, no ones care about me.

They never give any expectation

It is only in my head

I blame my self for something that does not work well

I get anxiety and depression when I was left behind

I hurt my self for the wrong thought

Luckly I already take my sane now.

I've realized that the only enemy I had is my previous self

The laziness I had for doing something 

Any excuses I gave for procrastinating my responsibility

and any bad attitude I showed in the name of pain

For now, I commit to letting this wrong perception away from me

I don't have to see others in order to know my self

I don't need social-acceptance for everything I had

I just need to compare my current self with my past

As long as I can put one step ahead than yesterday, I win

And as long as I never cease my progress, I know I will be with my dream eventually


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