Saturday, January 21, 2023

New! APC Price List Journals on Springer and Elsevier 2023

Publishing work in the form of articles, journals, reviews, or any other papers in the most reputable journal publishers is admired by so many people particularly academicians.

Though there are vast numbers of online journals we can choose from, only some journals have been identified internationally as popular and reliable.

Some publishers that have widely known in academic publication are Springer and Elsevier.

Springer Journal Publisher -as it is shown on their website- has published more than 2,900 journals and 300,000 books. We can easily choose the journals that we want to pursue to publish our work here. Also, there are variety of topics that may suit with our interests

Moreover, we can choose the open access feature for our published journals. This will help our journal gain more citations and be known by the public.

Not only Springer, another journal publication that has received popularity among academicians, is Elsevier. Established in 1880, journals on Elsevier publisher have raised many reputable articles with lots of citations every year.

The most reputable journals publisher may bring higher cite and impact factors for our article.

However, not every journals that we can choose are free. In fact, there are many journal publications requiring us to pay publication fee that is known as APC (Article Processing Charges).

The definition of APC, as cited from University Libraries, is charged to authors of scholarly articles during the publication process. The charge helps the publisher and editor to improve the quality of article and journals as well. To know more about this article, check out this video below :

This article will show you the information about new APC for all journals available on Springer and Elsevier Publisher. 


There are more than 2,700 journals with different topic and title that all authors can choose. Moreover, the list also shows us the type of business models of each journals completed by the info of list price.

You can download the file of APC of Elsevier Publisher Journal here.


Other journal publisher with very good reputation is Springer. In January 2023, Springer has announced the information of APCs for all Journals from this publisher. As we can see on the picture above, the excel file of it consisted of journal title, eISSN, any information including the price and the link for each journal’s website.

Though there are many journals with high APCs, some of the lists are free and supported by different universities. You can click here to download the file and check all APCs journals.

That is the information about APCs journals for 2 publishers : Elsevier & Springer. Hopefully this article is helpful.

Author : Riska Dwinda Elsyah



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