Friday, April 8, 2022

6 Elements of Corporate Marketing Mix

This blog will explain about corporate marketing based on the academic research. As you may know, corporate marketing is essential as the core strategy of any corporates to deliver their organization’s identity and their product. Therefore, it is crucial to understand what corporate marketing is including any elements supporting it.

Based on the study from Punjaisri & Wilson (2006) there are 6 elements of corporate marketing shown in figure 1 above. These elements include character, culture, conceptualizations, covenant, constituencies, and communication. In order to create good corporate marketing process, the company needs to understanding these basic elements because these elements will deliver good way in corporate marketing. The explanation of each elements will be given as following:

1. Character

So basically character is element shows us the corporate identity. It is about what company indubitably is. There are many factors describe the company’s character such as the assets (either tangible or intangible assets of the company), the activies, markets served, corporate ownership and structure, organizational and industrial type, corporate philosophy and history or background which make the difference of the company with another

2. Culture

Culture is quitely similar with character. However, there is huge difference between both of them. Character is something that has been written and described by the company, while culture is something that attach to the employee’s and all of internal parties. Culture is about internal’s collective feeling as the part of the company such as employee’s values, beliefs, and assumption related to the company.

Culture as the element of corporate marketing related to collective feelings of individuals as the part of company. Therefore, it is different with individual values as human-being. Culture on this context describe the situation when people become the employee of particular organization, and describe their feelings, values, assumption, and beliefs as the biggest part of internal organization.

3. Conceptualization

Conceptualization is related to the corporate reputation. It is related to the how company wants to be seen by the customer and other key stakeholders. Therefore, in order to create corporate marketing, the company needs to design the concept of how they are seen to be by their target audience in the future

4. Covenant

Covenant is about corporate brand management. Brand management is essential for company and it also caused the biggest impact on corporate marketing mix process. Covenant is an informal contract that underpins a corporate brand. There are so many process of brand management include both sides; internal brand management and external brand management

5. Constituencies

Constituencies is explained that corporate marketing needs to meet the wants and needs of customer as well as other stakeholder groups. It include marketing and stakeholder management which focus on whom the company seeks to serve their services or products. Therefore, in the corporate marketing process the company have to get clear understand about who their target audience is that match with their product/service

6. Communication

The last element is communication. If in constituencies the company needs to know who their target audience is, in communication’s element the company needs to know what message they want to say to their target audience. It is the various outbound communications channels both verbal or non-verbal which can give the perception or message about organizations to customers and stakeholders. Verbal communication include advertisement, brand promise, word of mouth, message deliver to their customers using different techniques and channels. Whereas non-verbal communication include employee’s behavior.


So, those are 6 elements of corporate marketing mix. I hope this blog will give you more insight about this concept and can be useful to implement on your corporate marketing process.

Thank you.

Reference :

Punjaisri, Khanyapuss & Wilson, Alan. 2006. The Role of Internal Branding in The Delivery of Employee Brand Promise. Brand Management Vol.15 No.1. 57-70

_Author         : Riska Dwinda Elsyah


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