Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Structure and Grammar Skills in TOEFL Test


Skill 1. Understanding the Pattern of English Sentence

          ->> Sentence = Subject + Verb

Note        :

·         Subject          : Noun, pronoun, gerund

·         Verb               : Full verb, to be, modals


Skill 2. Be careful of object of prepositions (Hati-hati terhadap object setelah kata depan)

            ->> object of prepositions ≠ subject or verb

Contoh prepositions       : after, before, in, on, at, during

Note           : Jika menemukan object of prepositions, maka itu bukan subject ataupun verb sehingga untuk menjadi sebuah kalimat harus membuat subject dan verb

Contoh kasus:

a)    After working in the office, he immediately returns to home

b)    Before taking your medicine, you need to eat first

Skill 3. Be careful of appostives (Kata ganti orang)

            ->> Appositives ≠ subject

Note        : Jika menemukan appositives maka perlu diingat bahwa itu bukan subject sehingga harus dibuatkan subjectnya

            Pattern :

a)    Subject, Appositives, Verb

Contoh       : She, the writer of this novel, is working on the publication company

b)    Appositives, Subject Verb

Contoh       : The writer of this novel, she is working on the publication company

Skill 4. Be careful of present participles

          ->> Present Participles : V-ing = Adjective/Kata sifat

Note        : Present participles bukan subject ataupun verb sehingga untuk menjadi kalimat harus dibuat subject dan verbnya

Contoh :

She standing right next to me works everyday


Skill 5. Be Careful of past participles

          ->> Past participles : V3 = adjective/kata sifat

Contoh :

The boss slept there is nominated as the best manager of the year


Skill 6. Use Coordinate Connectors correctly (gunakan kata penghubung dengan benar)

F  = FOR. Contoh : I work for this company

A  = AND. Contoh : I will wash the dishes and cook the dinner

N = NOR. Contoh : I dont like the cookies nor the cake

B  = BUT. Contoh : I want to go but the rain suddenly fall

O = OR. Contoh   : You can take it or you may leave

Y  = YET. Contoh : I just went to school yet my bag was left behind


Skill 7. Use Adverb time and cause connectors correctly

      Pattern :

a.    Subject Verb adv.connectors Subject Verb

       Contoh : I will come before you wake up

b.    Adv.connectors Subject Verb, Subject Verb

       Contoh : Before you wake up, I will come

Skill 8. Use other adverb time connectors correctly

      Pattern :

a)    Subject Verb Adv.Connectors Subject Verb

b)    Adv.connectors subject verb, subject verb


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